Town Hall Meeting

Ben Lomond Park Hall
Election of New Trustees
WHERE: Park Hall, 9400 Mill Street, Ben Lomond,
WHEN: Tuesday, August 22nd, 5:00pm
WHO: Those adult persons in attendance, living within a mile and one half of Park Hall, are eligible to vote for the current vacant positions of Park Hall Trustee. The election committee will verify each person’s residence or ownership prior to issuing
a ballot.
CANDIDATES: Nominations for the position will come from the floor during the meeting. The nominated persons will each be given five minutes to address those in attendance before the secret ballot is taken.

Three new Trustees are to be added to the existing Board. Please attend and help select the newest Park Hall leaders that will guide Park Hall on your behalf.

Trustee Election September 27th!!

Anyone living within 1.5 miles may join us at 5pm as a candidate or as a voter to select our next trustee! Come tell us why you would be a great asset to the board. Park Hall needs you! Simply bring your drivers license showing your park hall address in order to vote. See you at the hall!

Park Hall Ben Lomond Community Meeting

Tonight (December 10th 2013) we held a Ben Lomond community meeting at Park Hall.
In attendance we had four Ben Lomond Residents:

  • Gil Sanchez
  • Denise Gorham
  • Janinne Chadwick
  • Lyle Troxell (myself) – existing Park Hall Trustee

And three local community members:

  • Steve Edmonds
  • Cecilia Kelly
  • Ann Scott – existing Park Hall Trustee

This being a meeting of Ben Lomond Residence posted in three propionate locations around Ben Lomond at least 10 days prior to the meeting made it an official meeting where the citizens can vote in members of the trust.

Recently Karen Scarborough resigned her Trust position, this left four Trustees: Ann Scott, Dick Mills, Lyle Troxell, and Cathy Smith.

The attending Ben Lomond citizens made an acclimation that the following three people be added as trustees for the Park Hall Trust:

  • Gil Sanchez
  • Denise Gorham
  • Steve Edmonds

As of this evening the official Trustees of Park Hall are: Ann Scott, Dick Mills, Cathy Smith, Lyle Troxell, Gil Sanchez, Denise Gorham, and Steve Edmonds.

I feel grateful that people from my community are willing and able to volunteer their time and energy to making our community better by improving and making available the wonderful resource of Park Hall.

After the new trustees were welcomed we held a Park Hall Trustee meeting, meeting minutes available in the governance documents.