Town Hall Meeting

Ben Lomond Park Hall
Election of New Trustees
WHERE: Park Hall, 9400 Mill Street, Ben Lomond,
WHEN: Tuesday, August 22nd, 5:00pm
WHO: Those adult persons in attendance, living within a mile and one half of Park Hall, are eligible to vote for the current vacant positions of Park Hall Trustee. The election committee will verify each person’s residence or ownership prior to issuing
a ballot.
CANDIDATES: Nominations for the position will come from the floor during the meeting. The nominated persons will each be given five minutes to address those in attendance before the secret ballot is taken.

Three new Trustees are to be added to the existing Board. Please attend and help select the newest Park Hall leaders that will guide Park Hall on your behalf.

August 12 – Andre Thierry/Park Hall Fundraiser and Centennial Celebration!

Historic Park Hall in Ben Lomond is celebrating 100 years of community and is ringing in their Centennial with Grammy-nominated Andre Thierry and local favorites Moonshine Crossroads! Join us for a spectacular event and help us raise funds to keep Park Hall a treasured resource serving our San Lorenzo Valley. Enjoy amazing music, meet your neighbors and build community! Buy tickets HERE!!!!!

Aug. 5th – Santa Cruz World Dance Showcase!

All ages appropriate dance show in Santa Cruz county showcasing dance styles from all over the world. All ages, all genders, all dance styles, all welcome! The event will be held at historic Ben Lomond Park hall on August 5th, 2023 from 2pm – 9pm. $15 general admission (door), $10 for seniors and students, children under 12 are free. Bazaar featuring local artisans with wares, jewelry, crafts and more. Support your local artists and artisans! email any questions to

WED July 19th – Snowdo White and the Fellowship of the Mirror

You are invited to grab those who are precious to you and come and join the cast of Little People’s Repertory Theater on an epic journey across Little Earth as (LPRT) presents: Snowdo White and the Fellowship of the Mirror, an original rock musical by Janinne Chadwick. This mash-up of beloved fairy tales and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the rings, imagines Snow White as Snowdo a righteous young hobbit who sets off from the Shire, with a fellowship of characters to the tower of Mordor to free the enslaved spirit of the magic mirror, who is imprisoned in the castle of the wicked queen. On their journey, The Fellowship encounters the Giant of Isengard, Gollum, a big bad wolf, elves, frogs and more! The show features over 20 parodies of classic rock, pop and contemporary hits. Opening Night at Ben Lomond Park Hall is Wednesday, July 19th. Tickets will sell out! Get tickets and showtime info online at

For over 40 years, LPRT has the reputation of alternative children’s musical theatre at its best! Directed by Daria E. Troxell, with music direction by Gabe House, and choreography by Whitney James Heskett and Haley Clarke. “Snowdo White and The Fellowship of the Mirror”” is presented at Park Hall in Ben Lomond July 19-30, 2023. Tickets and specific show time information is available online at

Now Playing!!!

May 19 – June 11, 2023


by Mark Edward Smith
Directed by Peter Gelblum

When he died, Chester Dumbrosky had a lot to be sorry for in his relationships with his wife and children. But he didn’t let death stop him – he appears at his own wake to try to make amends and heal old wounds. The ensuing uproarious laughter turns serious as his dysfunctional family seeks to resolve conflicts that everyone will recognize if they can stop laughing long enough.

Come join the fun at the Bay Area and Central Coast premiere of a show that is both “heartfelt” and has audiences “rolling with laughter in the aisles.”  (The Willits News.)  The cast features MCT veterans David Leach, Steve Capasso, Hannah Eckstein, Dave Halper, Tracy Smith, and Scott Kravitz, as well as actors new to MCT, Martin Kachuck and Mo Corleone.

Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 2 pm.  Tickets are $20 for Seniors and Students and $25 for everyone else. May 20 is Community Night when all tickets are two for $25.

There will be a champagne reception after the show on Opening Night, May 19, and a talk-back with the cast and director after the show on June 4.

Mountain Community Theatre is currently celebrating its 41st year of bringing quality entertainment to Santa Cruz County. Masks are recommended, but not required.  Buy Tickets HERE

Santa Cruz County History Fair

Ronnie Trubek and Lyle Troxell set up a booth for Park Hall at the May 13th, 2023 Santa Cruz County History Fair.

Since Ronnie became our newest Trust member she has dove head first into the history of our beloved community center and written The Exciting Story of How Park Hall Came to Be.

The booth consists of a wonderful collection of early photos of Ben Lomond and a detailed narrative of how the building came to be what it is now.

The Exciting Story of How Park Hall Came to Be

written and researched by Ronnie Trubek

When Ben Lomond came into prominence at the turn of the 20th century, Mr. Wm Elsom established a livery stable and a new barn at the West end of Mill Street, near where it joined with the county road. Mr. Elsom prospered exceedingly in his business of carrying visitors to the state’s first park, the newly opened, California Redwood Park. Mr Elsoms’ teams carried into the park more visitors than arrived from all other sources combined.

Elsom’s Ben Lomond Livery Stable and barn was sold to I. B. Hobson Sr with his son Frank in 1908. Mr. Hobson had a crowd for Big Basin every day and often held lively dances in the loft where everyone enjoyed the music dispensed by a phonograph.

In 1910 the newly formed Ben Lomond Improvement Society, headed by educator Elisha Brooks, desired a park along the bank of the river on the South side of Mill Street. At the time, the river was inaccessible from above Brookdale to Highlands, as all of the river front lots had been sold off and no one could get to the river without being greeted by “Keep Off” or “Private Grounds” signs.

President Brooks brought before the Club the project of moving the business houses from the river side of Mill Street to the opposite side and making a park and pleasure grounds along the banks of the river, a great drawing card for the town.

The idea quickly gathered stream. The movement was promoted by I. B. Hobson and Elisha Brooks, and was encouraged by the businessmen and property owners, including those who lived out of the area and had summer cottages here. Nine business houses, inclusive of saloons and the post office, were to be moved. Among the improvements will be a pretty rustic clubhouse, a handsome four-room library, with a dining room and a room for public entertainment, a tennis court and a boating pond, all on grounds that have been donated by Mr. Hobson.

The Ben Lomond Library Park was unquestionably the biggest thing that would ever happen to the town!

In those early years, the river side of Mill Street was lined with a livery stable, barn, laundry, store, saloon, grocery store, blacksmith shop, notion store, post office-insurance-real estate combination and barber shop, many with attached dwellings. The sawmill operated by the Ben Lomond Land and Lumber Co. had long since closed on the site now occupied by North Glass and it was from this mill that the street derived its name.

To free the riverside parcel for a park, the buildings occupying the land had to be moved. All the property owners, with two exceptions, have agreed to deed their lands on the South side of Mill Steet to a board of trustees to be appointed by the county Supervisors for a library and grounds forever and to take in return, frontage on the North side of the street. Frederick A. Cody very generously donated about 160 feet of his choice property on the North side of Mill Street to be given to those moving over. I.B. Hobson, among others, were assigned lots. Deeds were drawn and the Park Committee was authorized to advertise for bids for moving the buildings over from the south side of Mill street to the new property on the north.

Early adopter Hobson had his barn put on rollers in April 1911 and moved it from its old location near the county road to its new home on Mill Street, adjacent to the Ben Lomond Mercantile (aka Pioneer Mercantile company store). Carpenters were immediately put to work adding a new front and rear to it.

The new hall, owned by Hobson and son, was nearing completion, and already added much to the attractiveness of Mill Street, the thoroughfare having been much improved in appearance since the organization of the Improvement Club

The hall, which had been christened “Park Hall”, had a very pretty front, resembling the buildings in Switzerland. The front was finished in plaster with “pebble dash” and the name “Park Hall” outlined in large colored pebbles.

It was an immense affair, with a great stage in the rear, in proportion to the big auditorium. A splendid eastern maple floor was layed and the building was complete in every part for the purpose which it was designed. The entrance hall was 10 x 14 feet and finished in oak grain, the work of Cecil Barr, who was quite an artist in his line. On either side of the entrance hall are offices, 14 x 14 feet, and were initially used as a photograph gallery and a butcher shop. The main hall was 40 x 80 feet and had a good maple floor for dancing, entertainments, etc. On each side of the main hall was a narrow, raised platform for those who did not care to dance.

A large space, 26 x 40 feet was converted into a stage and dining room, which will be separated by folding doors. When used as a dining room, the doors were thrown open, giving plenty of room for the serving of suppers in the same building. Everything was modern and up-to-date and no pains were spared to make it an ideal pleasure hall where motion pictures were shown, dances were held and other forms of entertainment were given. Hobson and his son moved their butcher shop into their new Park Hall building.

The April 1912 grand opening was crowded; community members from throughout the Valley were invited by Hobson and son to a free all-night dance. Other dances were held throughout the year, and Hobson had a merry little twinkle in his eye when placing the ad for a certain dance in the paper, stating that ragging was allowed according the Sunday school regulations. A graduation ceremony for the students from Ben Lomond’s two room schoolhouse was held. Politicians spoke with voters and amateur minstrels gave performances with all night dances after the show.

Ultimately, Park Hall proved a losing venture to Hobson, who with his family moved to the San Joaquin valley. The new proprietor, Mr. Chris Hansen did not stay long and exchanged the hall with other properties to a Mr. Morse of Oakland. After the succession of owners, the hall was taken over W.P. Netherton of the Rio-Grande Land and Stock company and founder of the Peoples Bank in Santa Cruz, possibly as a Deed in Lieu of foreclosure.

About 1919, it became apparent that the owners of the town hall were planning on razing the building because it was an unprofitable piece of property. A move was started by the people of the town to purchase the building and have it retained as the property of the town. A deal was made and a sufficient sum was raised by subscription to make the first payment. Everyone who could spare a dollar helped by contributing. Every one of the town’s regular summer visitors was a liberal contributor as well, although it seemed like a considerable investment for a community of so few inhabitants. The hall was acquired by and for the people of Ben Lomond sometime in 1920.

The November 1921 minutes of the recently elected Board of Trustees reflect that hall needed a new roof for the cost of $500 and the funds in the hall treasury was some $400. It appeared to the Board that it would be advisable to first finish the payments on the hall and have the deed secured. “However, upon this showing, Mr Brooks stated that he would personally stand responsible for any money lacking to finish the payments on the hall and for the roofing material until such time as the money could be raised” And so it came to pass that a subscription financial statement was provided, the deed was to be made and the roofing material was ordered at once.

A player piano was soon purchased for the cost of $75 down and $15 a month. One trustee advanced the downpayment, interest free for one year, provided that the other Trustees present guarantee the loan. This was agreed to and the piano was purchased.

The hall was supported by being let for various movies and weekly dances, rent from the Boys Club meetings and the rent on the two offices along the street.

Professor Elisha Brooks, President of the town hall trustees, reported that the transfer of the hall to the people had been made and the deed recorded in 1923. A vote of thanks was given for his every ready willingness to help the town in its forward movement. The deed created a public trust by stating that the building was owned by all residents living with 1.5 miles of the hall.

That year also 1923 saw the hall rented by the first Ben Lomond Volunteer fire department by the year. By holding annual Halloween, anniversary and other dances, entertainments and movies, they contributed to gradually reducing the balance due until the last installment owing Brooks was paid in 1924.

Permission was granted in 1925 for the fire department to add on to their hose cart storage building located on the East side of the hall for the purpose of the building a room for a meeting place. The building housed their equipment until 1927 when a new, modern fire house was bult across the street between the library and the Wagon Wheel Inn. In 1940 the newly formed Ben Lomond Fire District moved to its present highway location. The hose cart storage building and meeting room was converted to restroom and a storage room for Park Hall but the original doors are still visible.

Over the years ballroom dancers have graced the floors of Park Hall, voters cast their ballots there since Teddy Roosevelt was President. In the past, San Lorenzo Valley Recreation District occupied the building who used the building for activities ranging from adult fitness classes to pre-school tumbling. Scout meetings, Ben Lomond Volunteer Fireman’s annual Christmas party for kids, and an famous Halloween masquerade ball filled the hall for 75 years. Bear Republic Theater and Redwood Community Theater throd the stage and for the past 40 years Mountain Community Theater has partnered with the hall to become the performing art center of the Valley. Park Hall is also home to Little Peoples Repertory for over 3 decades.

A board of 7 Trustees, elected at a town meeting, operate the facility today. Park Hall is available for rent at a nominal cost to local citizenry. It is often used for private parties, wedding receptions, concerts , exercise classes, lectures, rehearsals, private films, dances and antique sales.


by Stephen Karam
Directed by Miguel Reyna

Ben Lomond, CA

Tickets are available at

Performances will be Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM, with Sunday Matinees at 2 PM. 

The Humans tells the story of the quintessential family reunion–a group of people who love each other but still wrestle with basic human fears: old age, abandonment, poverty, and death. Filled with equal parts humor and hurt, the family explores each other’s familiar idiosyncrasies yet finds a deeper meaning in the struggles of life.

Mountain Community Theatre is currently celebrating its 40th year of bringing quality entertainment to Santa Cruz County. Masks are required for audiences at all performances. 

Thank You, Ben Lomond!!

Park Hall would like to send special thanks to the following people for their unwavering dedication and support to this weekend’s fundraiser: Jessica Bukowinski
Sara Pichette and Eli
Morris Ridgeway
Ronnie Trubek
Gil Sanchez
Denise Gorham
Surreyya Hada
Lyle Troxell
Wyatt Troxell
Larry Cuprys
Scott Deal
Delle Townsend
Miguel Reyna
Cathy Smith
Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce
Matt Clarke
Michele Gelblum
Naomi Gorham
Mokili Wa
Taylor Rae
Also to Christina Wise, Tina at KBCZ, and Julie Horner for boosting the signal. It takes a village. Thank you for helping us build community and keeping the arts in SLV!

Donations can still be made if you were unable to attend. Just click the link Below: